Эргашев Э. Зарубежный опыт развития агропромышленного сектора экономики / Э. Эргашев, М. Бозорова, Д. Кадирова // Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика – 2017. – №5. – С. 254-256



E. Ergashev, associate professor

M. Bozorova, associate professor

D. Kadirova, associate professor

Tashkent financial institute

(Tashkent, Uzbekistan)


Abstract. The article considers the relevance of the development of agriculture and its role in the country’s economy. In the framework of this study, the authors presented measures of state regulation of agriculture and described the main directions for stimulating the growth of the agricultural sector of the economy in the developed countries of the world. The results obtained made it possible to formulate a number of proposals for improving methods of stimulating and supporting agriculture in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: farmer, dehkanism, modernization, economic entities, infrastructure, investment.



Today main attention is given to supporting stable development of all branches of agriculture all over the world. It has it’s own matters that depends on Imbalance of ecology and getting rise it’s intensity in global rate.

It is important to study world experience, executed arrangements, results of practice that has been developed by programs in process of transition to market economy. Thus, you cant develop agricultural branch without establishing of economical relations with developed countries, in case of with adjacent countries, that are close by their territory.

Today development of our country agriculture is depend on market principles and has been adopted several decree and acts about this matter, wide Programs have been developed and getting to practice.

But we should note that economical subjects, who has business in  agriculture at market economy terms do not have enough not only cash resources, but experience and knowledge.

At this point of view first of all development of agriculture is depend on studying experience of developed countries, therefore, to study  positive and negative sides of reforms that oriented to order and support agriculture at transitional and recently developing countries in terms of market economy. And it’s important to determine problems and imperfections to implement in practice suitable sides of experience in terms of our republic’s agriculture features.

Facts shows that consumption of fruit juice in Germany is high, because at this country between treatment enterprises and farmers economical relationship is provided correctly and treatment enterprises are close to fruit farms and viticulture. In result of close location treatment enterprises to fruit farms and viticulture it doesn’t permit to loss of products and quality loss.

Raiffeisen is one of  the main organizations Germany’s economy and helps to get job by population at countryside. About 140000 specialists are occupied by cooperatives of this organization. More than 3.7 billion liters fruit and grape juices and nectars are produced in country every year and it’s export potential is 1.3 billion. There are  local equipment in place, they are completely satisfying modern requirements  and this technologies are meant for processing different kind of  fruits (with seeds, kernels and without seeds).

We think that it’s necessary to consideration sides of studying Germany experience of growth of fruit and grape and their processing that helps to develop country:


 Establishment of quality control between period of delivery grown product to consumer;

 Specialization of all equipment at treatment enterprise to processing all kind of fruits and grape products;

 Development of marketing programs and supporting growth of fruits and grape by this programs;

 Supporting development of cooperation relationships at horticulture and viticulture.

In our opinion these experiences can helps to technical service in horticulture and viticulture farmer economy and development of system of providing manufacturing resources.

At Kabardino-Balkaria republic to develop the horticulture and viticulture has been adopted program “Encourage building gardens and grape gardens on mountain and piedmont territories”. For this aim by republic government has been established credits for horticulture and viticulture by their capacity and fruits and grape kind with low percent from 10 to 15 years. However, on the assumption of program until gardens and grape gardens  will give a harvest farmers are free of taxes and when they will get harvest rate of interest will be paid at rate 50 percent.

Main reason of attention to grow short planting stocks by republic government depends on results of scientific researches of mountain and piedmont territories of the north Caucasus scientists, that shows first of all short planting stocks in comparison with high planting stocks  give  rapidly harvest (from age about 4-6 year), second year each one hundred square meters give 50-100 kg harvest and every year harvest will rise additional to 100 kg, will become a industrial product (to age about 7-25 year)and give 1-1.5 ton of harvest, besides it is distinguished by low using of mineral fertilizers and other resources.

Besides that short planting stocks helps to use ground effectively, decrease of manual work in treatment of planting stocks, in general provide to rise horticulture economy efficiency.

It important to provide connection between republic horticulture and viticulture products growing, keeping, processing and selling systems for supporting economical stable development overall complex should be realized following arrangements, in case of:

 Foundation and development of special selling departments of material and technical resources;

 Liberalization of relationship among producers and treatment enterprises and improvement of end calculation;

 Establishment of service infrastructure departments that specialized to agricultural arrangements and development of economical distinguishing;

 Discount crediting economical distinguishing of building products selection, keeping and packaging enterprises;

 Distinguishing of building cooperative subjects that specialized in products selection, keeping and packaging to help rising economical relationship among farmer economy on optional base;

 Realization effective business of new agro firms should be realized terms of season  discount to export their products, importing innovative technologies and giving discount credits for economical distinguishing of building new working places at countryside and others.

If we realized previously mentioned arrangements, as a result can get 35-50 percent of products for processing, creating new working places at countryside by building small treatment workshops and help to rise income of population, in general can reach development of agricultural branch economy.




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Э. Эргашев, доцент

М. Бозорова, доцент

Д. Кадирова, доцент

Ташкентский финансовый институт

(Ташкент, г. Узбекистана)


Аннотация. В статье рассматривается актуальность развития сельского хозяйства и его роль в экономике страны. В рамках данного исследования авторами представлены меры государственного регулирования сельского хозяйства и описаны основные направления стимулирования роста аграрного сектора экономики в развитых странах мира. Полученные результаты позволили сформулировать ряд предложений по совершенствованию методов стимулирования и поддержки сельского хозяйства в Республике Узбекистан.

Ключевые слова: фермер, дехканство, модернизация, хозяйственные субъекты, инфраструктура, инвестиция.