Indarbaev Аа. Civil service reform: challenges and strategies // Экономика и бизнес: теория и практика. — 2015. — №2. — С. 23-25.



АА Indarbaev, student

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

(Russia, Moscow)


Abstract: In the process of reforms going on a serious rethinking of the conceptual foundations of administrative organization, and in particular the public service. So, the idea gained popularity  that is, turning away from traditional hierarchical management structure in favor of horizontal partnership, cooperation, the transition from the «logic of the institution» to «service logic» to the development of «new public management» .In this article the author examines problems of reforming the civil service and its content, offers and justifies the possible solutions.

Keywords: public service, management, administration, efficient, economic development.



The Russian bureaucracy was ill-prepared to develop and implement solutions that are adequate to the current needs of the country. On the contrary, it is a good idea adapted to extract the so-called «administrative rent» from its position. I spoke about it last year.

 On the problem of the inefficiency of the state, we also talked three years ago, emphasized that the weakness of the state brings to «no» economic and other reforms.

 Our bureaucracy and today has enormous powers. But being in its hands the amount of office still does not match the quality of power. I must emphasize that such a power is largely has its source not nothing but a redundant function of government agencies. At the same time, despite the huge number of officials in the country hardest staff shortages. Hunger at all levels and in all structures of power, hunger for modern managers, effective people. The above is the background against which will hold vital country administrative reform.[1]

As you know, the Government has conducted an inventory of the functions of ministries and departments. Counted them about five thousand. But in the course of this work it was found out that almost every agency believes that its functions do not need to cut and extend including the expense of other, neighbouring departments.

In understanding the complexity of the problem, with all the difficulties manifested, administrative reform nevertheless too long.

Apparently, the government needs to help. Obviously, you need an additional political impetus. Of course, he will be given. «[2]

I think that the message of the President of the Russian Federation clearly defines the sharpness of the outstanding issues that need to be resolved in the near future.

Today, worldwide governance is undergoing a process of change. Most states have begun to reform in this area, questioning the legacy of Max Weber’s bureaucratic management model that focuses primarily on the formal application of laws to solve the problems of the population, «based on the documents,» the unconditional execution of orders coming from the upper levels of the hierarchy, rigidly fixed distribution of duties and responsibilities.

Administrative changes began in the 80 years of XX century due to «overheating» of the state from a huge number of the tasks and functions, supplemented with new problems to solve that it was not able to. One of the main reasons of administrative reforms is to increase government spending exorbitant. Many countries have a long time cannot get rid of the state budget deficit, negatively affects economic development. To a large extent, this deficiency is associated with high costs for various social programs. At the same time there is growing discontent of the population quality of public services and the mechanism of their distribution.

In the United States, where thirty years ago, about 75% of the population fully trust the government, now this number is not more than 25%. Such loss of confidence is not only in politics, but also to the media, the business community, and even religion. Growing distrust gradually becoming commonplace, and for the younger generation is actually part of the world around them. What can you expect from a society that is dominated by the state of distrust and alienation not only to government agencies but, in fact, to all the other people. You cannot trust a stranger (it may be a serial killer), should not be trusted neighbour (he can tell that you are living beyond their means and to evade taxes), it is dangerous to trust the future wife (requires a marriage contract). Today, 2/3 of Americans believe that you cannot trust people around them. No wonder that in such a situation, trust in government and public institutions is extremely decreased.[3]

On the need to reform public administration and sociological data show many studies carried out on the territory of Russia, which showed that people being excluded from power. According to a representative nationwide poll conducted in March 1997, the distribution of persons aged 18 years and older, trust and refuse to trust the various authorities, is as follows (as a percentage of the respondents).

Awareness of the inevitability of administrative reforms, critical self-understanding of the need to improve the efficiency of the state apparatus — all showed a representative survey of 1,250 civil servants from 11 federal ministries, departments, legislative and judicial authorities and 12 regional authorities of the Russian Federation, held in October, November, 1999. The wording of questions and answers in the wording proposed by the respondents. Data are given as a percentage of the total number of respondents.

State, reforming the administrative system concentrates its efforts in the following areas:

firstly, increasing the efficiency of the state apparatus and the provision of better services to the population;

secondly, the development of partnerships between the public and private sectors and a clearer division of responsibility for dealing with emerging problems;

• Third, the establishment of multilateral relations between the state and civil society, the involvement of the public to the management of public affairs.

For our theme, it is important that Russia has traditionally ruled by various modifications of the «sovereign» service. Repeatedly changed the political structure, even socio-economic formations, but not the underlying fundamentals of the administrative system. So, with the introduction in 1722 «Table of Ranks» principle breed was surpassing the principle of seniority, although not fully replaced them. After 1917, to replace them came the principle of nomenclature, which also fits in the tradition of the «sovereign» service. And now, in the post-Soviet era, we have essentially the same deal with another of its modification, and produces a strange impression in the late XX century[5], when the developed countries in the development of the civil service is dominated by very different trends: the traditional hierarchy although it remains, but plays diminishing role, the number of administrative steps is reduced, expanding opportunities for alternative ways of nomination sufficiently high positions. Anyway now gaining strength intellectual movement, ambitiously calls itself «administrative « revolution, though not yet satisfied in full of their claims, but is looking for ways to radically modernize management in a completely different plane than the restoration of dilapidated one and a half century back bureaucratic ladder.

Summing up the program as follows. We want the first time in the history of Russia to create a civilian public service in which persons holding political office, could effectively implement public policy through a highly qualified unit «career» employees. Recent undergo rigorous training and multi-stage selection, evaluated and promoted the career «ladder» in accordance with their professional qualities and their business relationships are decorated in a special kind of contracts. These contracts vocation to maximize the productivity of employees, provide a decent and attractive material status of the civil service, based primarily on direct payments, to ensure their compliance with the additional obligations to the state in exchange for certain privileges established by the Law, officials focus on the priorities of the public service, to promote the realization of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and their associations, as well as its principle «transparency»,  openness and accessibility of information. In short, the device without losing the professionalism of the owner must become a servant of society. Civil Service Reform, held in the indicated direction, and will undoubtedly have a considerable effect of anti-corruption.




1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted by popular vote December 12, 1993 Moscow, 1994.

2. GV Atamanchuk Public administration: organizational and functional issues: Proc. allowance. M., 2000.

3. Ayatskov D., S. Naumov Some problems of modern personnel policy in the Russian Federation // Power. 2001. № 2.

4. Belsky KS On Rank selection of civil servants // Problems of formation of state and municipal authorities in Russia. Ekaterinburg, 1998.

5. V. Lobanov Administrative Reform: Challenges and Solutions. // Problems of the theory and practice of management. 1998. № 1.




А.А. Индарбаев, студент

Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ

(Россия, г. Москва)


Аннотация: В процессе реформ происходит серьезное переосмысление концептуальных основ административной организации, и в частности государственной службы. Так, получили популярность идеи «постбюрократической организации», то есть отказа от традиционной иерархической структуры управления в пользу горизонтальных отношений партнерства, кооперации, перехода от «логики учреждения» к «логике обслуживания», к развитию «нового государственного менеджмента». В статье автор рассматривает проблемы реформирования государственной службы и ее содержание, предлагает и обосновывает  возможные пути их решения.

Ключевые слова: государственная служба, управление, администрирование, эффективность, экономическое развитие.